/ キングビル七階) http://samurai.bz/
に行き、16世紀の戦国時代に活躍した武将に変身した。白の前袋式六尺褌を締め込んだ後、筆者が選んだのは、奥州の覇者・独眼竜(どくがんりゅう)伊達政宗の愛用した黒い鎧甲。筆者は、この日のために丸坊主になった。 |
Preface |
I went to Samurai Armor Photo Studio http://samurai.bz/en/index.html
locating Shibuya, Tokyo Japan on October 17, 2016 in order to transform myself into a busyo (military commander) of the Sengoku (Warring States) Period of 16th century for the introduction of Japanese samurai culture to the world. I chose black armor worn by Dokuganryu Masamune DATE the Conqueror of Ou District wearing white rokusyaku fundoshi double fastened long type. I had my head close clipping cut for this day. |

▲:上の画像の説明文 ▼:下の画像の説明文 ●:筆者の私見 〈画像の左クリック〉:別窓に拡大写真を表示 |
渋谷鎧甲甲冑写真館(サムライアーマー・フォトスタジオ) の位置 |
Map |
/ 東京都渋谷区円山町5-6 キングビル7階 |
Google Map |
Meeting with Mr. Shinpei Takemura the kimono dresser who trained at Uzumasa movie studio of Kyoto.

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All-Red Armour Suit

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All black armor set which is chosen by me in this occasion.

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鎧甲を身につけた伊達政宗公の銅像 / 仙台市青葉城
Statue of Load Masamune DATE with full armor riding horse at Aoba Castle Sendai
City |

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真田幸村が愛用した甲冑 |
▼ 大阪城で徳川家康を窮地に追い込んだ赤備えで知られる戦国時代劇「真田丸」が現在NHK総合テレビで放映されている。次回は、赤褌を締めてこの鎧に挑戦したい。 |
Red armor of Yukimura SANADA |
Samurai drama SANADA-MARU is now on air at NHK TV. Red Army commander Yukimura SANADA who drove Ieyasu TOKUGAWA into a corner at Osaka Castle. I will challenge this armor wearing akafun next time. |

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Armor of Nagamasa kURODA for kids

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豊臣大鎧 |
Big Armor of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI |
This suit is very expensive so that the fee of Samurai Armor Studio-Shooting Course is 40,000 yen. |

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Wearing samuai commander's underwear of white kosode (kimono), black tattuke-bakama (skirt) and suneate (leg guards) assisted by Mr.
Takemura. I wore only white rokusyaku fundoshi double fastened long type under white kosode kimono.
(Fundoshi should be brought if you want to
wear.) |
Getting ready for taking samurai pictures
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I chose black armor of Masamune DATE who was the hero of Tohoku Region of Northeast Japan 400 years ago.
I am wearing white kosode (underwear) , black tattske-bakama (skirt) ,white rokusyaku fundoshi and black tabi (socks) |
Black armor set
of Masamune DATE

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Wearing black kote (chest and arm guards) and
haidate (lower body guards) on the white kosode.

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Explanatory drawing of samurai armor

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internet資料 |
Pulling out the sword wearing a black armor

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'Go ahead!' by swinging the marshal's baton. (animation)

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床几(しょうぎ)の座り方が間違っているが、現存する肖像画にあわせて、あえて横向きに座っている。 |
Dokugan-ryu (one-eyed dragon) Masamune DATE |
Masamune DATE was a warlord of Touhoku District Northeast Japan. His right eye became blind due to smallpox in his childhood. He was called Dokugan-ryu (one-eyed dragon) after his success as a hero of Northeast Japan.
The sitting manner is not right, but I dare sat on the chair toward the side direction in accordance with his existing portrait.. |
Dokugan-ryu (one-eyed dragon) Masamune DATE

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Wearing jinbaori the battle surcoat of Masamune DATE.

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てんたかし くろかっちゅうの だてざむらい |
High sky, DATE samurai wearing black armor. |
Set up by a sword wearing jinbaori the tabard of Masamune DATE and an armored head gear named hachi-gane.
I made a perfect pose while following the direction of Mr. Shinpei Takemura the kimono dresser who trained at Uzumasa movie studio of Kyoto. I felt as if I was a movie actor. (^-^) |
Samurai commander setting up with a sword

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